Pursuing Ordination
1. Contact the Vocations review panel. Email the Vocations Review Panel about your wishes to become a priest or enter the religious life, and how you came to this decision. If you are already ordained or a professed religious, we invite to contact us and discuss your situation.
PLEASE NOTE: there are two things to keep in mind when applying for an Application or for Incardination with Christ Communion:
1. The clergy of Christ Communion are tentmaker ministers. Our priests and religious are either retired or working in regular employment.
2. Christ Communion does not offer financial support to our clergy and religious. Our ministries are funded by ourselves and our own efforts, including travel expenses to our Synod.
2. Complete the Application and collect copies of all required documentation and religious certificates:
Certificates/ documents required are:
A. Baptism
B. Confirmation
Note: if the Applicant successfully is accepted into Formation, but has not been confirmed, he/she may be confirmed at the next Synod.
C Marriage(s), (if applicable, including Holy Union Ceremonies or Domestic Partnerships)
D. Copies of civil divorce decrees/annulments/grants of dissolution (if applicable)
E. Married candidates must also provide the written consent of their spouse prior to Formation/ Incardination with Christ Communion.
F. Ordination or Solemn Profession (if applicable for Incardination)
3. Complete the required criminal background check. This can be done at a local background checking agency or your state law enforcement agency. This is done at the Applicant’s expense.
4. Complete the required psychological examination. You will need a mental health evaluation provided by an appropriately licensed mental health professional. The psychologist/ counselor or therapist will send his/ her final evaluation directly to the Vocations Review Panel. The Vocations Review Panel reserves the right to contact the evaluating psychologist/therapist. We are looking particularly for: any emotional, physical or sexual abuse, domestic violence either as a perpetrator or victim, any misdemeanor or felony charges, and substance abuse.
5. Evaluation of the Applicant’s packet is done by a Vocations Review Panel assembled by the Presiding Bishop who then makes a recommendation or reject or accept the Applicant.
6. The Presiding Bishop then accepts or rejects the candidate. The Presiding Bishop reserves the right to admit or reject the Applicant to Formation or Incardination, irregardless of the recommendation by the Review Panel.
7. The Seminarian continues their studies at their own pace and in their own time frame, as mutually determined with his/her academic advisor. Seminary studies should not last longer than 3 years, since the seminarian moves at their own pace and can complete classes and studies as quickly as they wish and their faculty allows them.
8. While completing their educational studies, the Seminarian may seek Candidacy for orders upon the recommendation of his/her advisor. The Candidacy is a time for reflection on the serious matter of Holy Orders and Priesthood. The Candidate declares their intention to move to the Order of Deacons. Diaconate ordination is established at a time and place mutually agreed upon by the Candidate and Presiding Bishop, and at least 6 months before Ordination to the Presbyterate. The deacon and Presiding Bifshop work out a mutually agreed upon schedule and place for priesthood ordination, pending successful completion of seminary studies.
9. After being ordained to the Diaconate, there is an interval of at least 6 months before Ordination to the Presbyterate. A Letter of Faculties is given to the deacon explaining the parameters of public celebration of the Sacraments and commission to preach and teach the faith. The deaconate is NO LESS than 6 months in length, during which time, the deacon will compete his/her studies as gaining practical experience in liturgy and ministry.
10. Upon successful completion of the seminary studies the deacon is recommended by his/her academic advisor and mentor for advancement to the Holy Order of Priesthood. The Presbyteral ordination ceremony is usually done at the home location of the priest Ordinand allowing family and friends full participation in the priest’s ordination. The deacon is not to be ordained to the Presbyterate unless their seminary studies are completed and they are recommended by their faculty. It is important for the deacon to understand this when they are applying for priesthood ordination.
Enquiries by ordained or professed individuals:
Steps 1-5 as above are the same for a request for incardination of an ordained cleric or professed religious.
1. Upon recommendation of the Review Panel that the cleric be accepted as an active cleric in Christ Communion, a date is set between the Clergy Applicant and the Presiding Bishop for their formal Rite of Incardination, usually at the next Synod. The in-coming cleric can request a “Cleric-In-Residence” status and temporary faculties that allows them public ministry in Christ Communion. The Presiding Bishop reserves the right to accept or reject the Review Panel’s recommendation. The in-coming cleric entitled to style themselves as a member of Christ Communion.
2. At the Rite of Incardination, the Presiding Bishop presents the in-coming cleric with a Certificate of Incardination in Christ Communion and Letter of Faculties, who now has full voting privileges in the Synod.